Profesionist în personalizarea etichetelor și soluțiilor RFID

Ce fel de măsuri de precauție ar trebui să luăm atunci când sunt selectate etichetele RFID?

RFID technology is one of the main means of automatic counting, because it is an indispensable part of the RFID system, but in the majority of circumstances, the compatibility of electronic tags is not good, but the RFID tags are not the same as the current demand.

For example, LF, HF, UHF, 2.4G, 5.8g, etc. Different prices have their own advantages, low-cost products have good accessibility, but limited transport speed, available for animal management. Due to the limited distance and agreement, high frequency (HF) is usually applied for various types of identification. Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) capable of long-distance acquisition, the most important feature is the first-order critical inspection, but it is easy to accept environmental conditions, especially if it is metal and liquid, the main use is clothing zero-consumer logistics wholesalers. 2.4g and 5.8g specific product signal, number storage is large, detection distance is long, but battery life is a short board.

Etichetă RFID
Due to the difference in the usage environment of the same product, there is a big difference in the packaging method and the packaging method. Normally, for example, HF, and then PVC card-like form payment and personal care. During the pursuit of the defendant, you can choose an easy-to-use paper or a paper. For example, when the HF is easy to use, the surface of the powder can be made of plastic, the surface of the powder can be made of direct adhesive, the product can be made of metal materials, or can be added to a single layer of absorbent material.

In general, the characteristics of the target, the application plan, the performance indicator, and the various requirements of the installation method are affected by the specific standardization of the project, which is the main factor in determining the success of the application of the project.

RFID tag material selection, we have selected tag material when demand consideration

1. Suitable for environmental materials

2. Signal impact on materials

3. Narimoto effect response and investment return rate

4. Convenient purchase and production

5. Ability to protect the environment from environmental damage

6. Usage durability

Recomandarea produsului

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Dimensiune personalizată Nylon RFID Cable Tie Tag

125Khz rezistent la apă Rfid Chip Card Rfid Soluții Rfid senzor pasiv

Cablu Zip Tie pentru echipamente

Tip: VT-Z06

Dimensiune: 53 * 53 * 240mm

Culoare: negru, roșu, albastru, galben, verde, verde, alb sau personalizat

Frecvența de lucru: 902-928MHz/ 865-868MHz

Material: ABS/PP/Nylon

Temperatura de funcționare: -40 ~ +80 ℃

Greutate: 13g

Distanța de citire: 0.1~5 m

Meșteșuguri suplimentare: imprimare cu laser sau imprimare de mătase, logo, cod QR, numere

TPU Animal RFID Tag ureche TPU

TPU Animal RFID Tag ureche TPU

134.2Khz LF LF Livestock Earring Round Dia30mm

Etichete de ureche RFID pentru animale cu 15 cifre de imprimare numere de cifre

Tip: VT-D11

Dimensiune: Dia35 * H19mm

Material: TPU

Distanța de citire: 0.1~5m

Greutate: 6.5g

Temperatura de lucru: -40 ~ 80 ℃

Frecvența de lucru: 125KHz/134.2KHz/13.56MHz/915MHz

Chip: TK4100/ EM4305/ I CODE SLIX/ Alien H4

Culoare: roșu / albastru / galben / verde / alb (disponibil personalizat)

Meșteșuguri: Imprimare cu laser, număr, cod QR, adeziv 3M pe spate, suprafață epoxidică pe față.

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Card NFC

Cardul personalizat cu imprimare UV pentru blocarea RFID este o soluție sigură, elegantă și versatilă, care promovează tehnologia fără contact și sporește eficiența și securitatea în diverse industrii.

Imprimare cu laser RFID RFID ABS tag

Imprimare cu laser RFID RFID ABS tag

Etichetă personalizată UHF PCB anti-metal, etichetă de raft, înaltă

Temperatură și foc rezistent la temperatură și rezistent la foc RFID PCB Tag

Frecvența de lucru: 902-928MHz/ 865-868MHz

Chip: Alien Higgs-3 MONZA R8 sau personalizat

Temperatura de funcționare: -30 ~ +85 ℃

Distanța de citire: 0.1~20m

Meșteșuguri: Priting cu laser
